Passive Voice - Tenses and Moods
The passive voice can
be expressed in mostly the same range of tenses and moods as
in the active voice.
Both passive voice forms are formed using an auxiliary
verb and the past participle of the verb describing the action in the
active voice equivalent, or the main verb.
The Vorgangspassiv or Handlungspassiv is formed using
as its auxiliary verbs.
The Vorgangspassiv can be constructed in all six tenses of the Indicative mood and all eight tenses of the Subjunctive mood. The Zudstandspassiv is preferred for the Imperative mood.
The Indicative (der Indikativ) mood is essentially the default mood. When someone is not giving a command (Imperative) or trying to indicate that something is not necessarily fact (Subjunctive), then they are using the Indicative mood.
Active | Passive |
Present | |
Der Mann isst den Apfel. The man is eating the apple. |
Der Apfel wird gegessen. The apple is being eaten. |
[werden in Present] + [past participle] | |
Simple Past | |
Die Polizei verhaftete den Mann. The police arrested the man. |
Der Mann wurde verhaftet. The man was arrested. |
[werden in Simple Past] + [past participle] | |
Future | |
Sie wird die Reifen des Autos wechseln. She will change the car's tyres. |
Die Reifen des Autos werden gewechselt werden. The car's tyres will be changed. |
[werden for future] + [past participle] + werden | |
Present Perfect | |
Der Computer hat die Datei heruntergeladen. The computer has downloaded the file. |
Die Datei ist heruntergeladen worden. The file has been downloaded. |
[sein in Present] + [past participle] + worden | |
Past Perfect | |
Der Täter hatte schon die Halskette gestohlen. The culprit had already stolen the necklace. |
Die Halskette war schon gestohlen worden. The necklace had already been stolen. |
[sein in Simple Past] + [past participle] + worden | |
Future Perfect | |
Er wird das Schwert geschmiedet haben. He will have forged the sword. |
Das Schwert wird geschmiedet worden sein. The sword will have been forged. |
[werden for future] + [past participle] + worden + sein |
you can see, the Vorgangspassiv
voice is constructed
in a similar manner to the active voice but with two key differences.
auxiliary verb werden
or its own auxiliary verb (or Hilfsverb)
is the conjugated or finite
verb where
possible. An additional werden
exists in the Future
tense, but this werden
is to indicate the sentence refers to a future event.
original main
verb in the active voice becomes its past participle in the passive
voice. For example, in the Present
sentence, “isst”
(from essen)
has become "gegessen".
two key components, werden
and the main
verb's past participle, are essential to forming the Vorgangspassiv
Important Note:
past participle used in the perfect tenses for werden
is worden
and not geworden.
The verb werden
has two separate past participles, depending on which voice it is
being used in. In the active voice, where it means “to become”,
is used. In the passive voice, where it is exclusively an auxiliary
verb, worden
is used.
Subjunctive (der Konjunktiv)
mood is typically split into
two forms,
and Konjunktiv
II. The former is
primarily used for reporting indirect speech, while the latter is for
conveying unreal or
hypothetical conditions or scenarios.
Konjunktiv I
Active | Passive |
Present | |
Die Ärztin operiere das Kind. (They said,) The doctor is operating on the child. | Das Kind werde operiert. (They said,) The child is being operated on. |
[werden in Konj I] + [past participle] | |
Past | |
Er habe den Satz übersetzt. (They said,) He has translated the sentence.. | Der Satz sei übersetzt worden. (They said,) The sentence has been translated. |
[sein in Konj I] + [past participle] + worden | |
Future | |
Sie werde das Formular ausfüllen. She will fill out the form. | Das Formular werde ausgefüllt werden. (They said,) The form will be filled out. |
[werden in Konj I] + [past participle] + werden | |
Future Perfect1 | |
Du werdest einen Brief geschrieben haben. (They said), You will have written a letter. | Der Brief werde geschrieben worden sein. (They said), The letter will have been written. |
[werden in Konj I] + [past participle] + worden + sein |
1 The Future Perfect is rarely used in this mood and its meaning would be expressed differently.
Konjunktiv II
Active | Passive |
Present1 | |
Der Mann tränke den Apfelsaft. The man would drink the apple juice. |
Der Apfelsaft würde getrunken. The apple juice would be drunk. |
[werden in Konj II] + [past participle] | |
Past | |
Ich hätte das Haus verkauft. I would have sold the house. |
Das Haus wäre verkauft worden. The house would have been sold. |
[sein in Konj II] + [past participle] + worden | |
Future | |
Er würde dich sehen. He would see you. |
Du würdest gesehen werden. You would be seen. |
[werden in Konj II] + [past participle] + werden | |
Future Perfect2 | |
Wir würden die Möhren geschnitten haben. We would have cut the carrots. |
Die Möhren würden geschnitten worden sein. The carrots would have been cut. |
[werden in Konj II] + [past participle] + worden + sein |
1 The Present form is often expressed via the Future form to prevent confusion with the Simple Past in the Indicative mood.
2 The
in this mood is very rarely used. This form would be expressed
in a different manner.
Werde gegrüßt.
(You shall) Be greeted.
[werden in Imperative] + [past participle]
Simple Past
Sei gegrüßt worden .
(You shall) Have been greeted.
[sein in Imperative] + [past participle] + worden
The Imperative (der Imperativ) mood can theoretically be formed with the passive voice but it is used extremely rare, if at all. The form with the Zustandspassiv is, however, not uncommon.
The English translation is only an approximation.
Werde gegrüßt.
(You shall) Be greeted.
[werden in Imperative] + [past participle]
Simple Past
Sei gegrüßt worden .
(You shall) Have been greeted.
[sein in Imperative] + [past participle] + worden
Further Content about Passive Voice
Passive Voice - Tenses and Moods (current article)
Passive Voice - Building the Passive Voice
Passive Voice - Prepositions (von, durch, mit)
Passive Voice - Stative Passive (Zustandspassiv)
Passive Voice - Zustandspassiv: Tenses and Moods
Passive Voice - Alternative Constructions
Passive Voice - Usages
Last Updated: 22 April 2018
Passive Voice - Prepositions (von, durch, mit)
Passive Voice - Stative Passive (Zustandspassiv)
Passive Voice - Zustandspassiv: Tenses and Moods
Passive Voice - Alternative Constructions
Passive Voice - Usages
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